Cover crop mix: for yield increase and soil improvement

cover cropsIt is very challenging to restore the soil that is annually degrading and compacting. You can apply fertilizer, but this will not have much of an impact on soil health. Moreover, this leads to accumulation of harmful substances in cultivated crops.

Cover crops are an efficient solution.

Advantages of cover crops:

- restoration of soil fertility;

- yield increase;

- weed control;

- improvement of soil structure;

- protection of soil from high temperatures;

- moisture accumulation in the soil;

- cover crops can be used in organic farming.

The specialists of Agro-Soyuz Projects offer cover crop cocktails that fit your needs and crop rotations.

Unlike a mono-crop, cover crop mixes are more efficient in terms of moisture conservation and more resistant to unfavorable weather conditions.

cover crops“All-purpose” mix: A universal soldier on any field.

The “all-purpose” mix – is a cocktail, which ensures the longest and the highest possible effect on the soil. It consists of warm-season and cold-season crops; grasses and broadleaves, legumes and brassicas. This mixture has an extraordinary positive effect on the soil: it breaks compaction, fills the soil with nutrients, attracts earth worms, stimulates mycelium development and controls weeds. The components included into the mix differ in terms of germination, vegetation period and flowering, thus the plants are “working” almost up to freezing temperatures. The mix is recommended to improve fertility and soil health when producing various crops.

- It can grow even in drought conditions.

- It is very useful for fields, where a mono-culture is produced.

cover crops“Nitrogen fixing” mix: Good yields without nitrates!

“Nitrogen fixing” mix consists of 70% of legumes, which allows natural nitrogen fixation in the soil profile.

- Nitrogen fixing lasts during the vegetation period and reaches its maximum during flowering stage.

- The next crop will not require nitrogen fertilizer.

cover crops“Humic” mix: fertile soil – high yield.

The “Humic” mix – is a mix of crops, which improves soil structure and feeds its microorganisms. This mixture harmonizes soil processes. The quick growth of plants with sufficient amount of organic matter prepares the soil for the next crop. If you drill it in spring, you’ll activate soil microorganisms. If you drill it late in summer - early in fall you’’ cover your soil with a thick blanket. This mix is recommended for soils with low organic matter content.

- It increases OM content.

- Improves fertility.

- Improves water holding capacity or physical properties of the soil.

Increases the number of earth worms.

cover crops“Compaction breaking” mix: natural plow for your soils

The “Compaction breaking” mix is a unique natural plow. This mix includes crops that reach very low soil profiles with their roots, thus breaking compaction in the soil profile. The mix includes grass crops and dicotyledons.

- Compaction is broken both vertically (into deeper soil layers) and horizontally (in the soil profile).

- Water permeability is improved. No “ponds” on the soil surface.

- This mix provides a lot of nutrients to the soil: both nitrogen compounds and sugars.

cover crops“Nectarous” mix: Sweet mix to attract beneficial insects

The nectarous mix is very diverse and includes a lot of plants producing lots of flowers. Flowering starts 20-30 days after emergence. It will last during the whole vegetation period. The mixture can be used in fields, in gardens, in bee gardens, in the backyards to attract pollinators and bees for nectar collection as well as to repel and kill harmful insects.

смесь микоризная“Mycorrhizal” mix: healthy soil and high yield

Natural mycorrhizal fungi are beneficial. They establish symbiotic relations with different crops. Due to its hypha mycorhiza extends the feeding area of plants roots, which results in increased absorption of nutrients and water. This is a mixture of host plants that stimulate mycorhiza colonization, reduces the number of soil pathogens and improves soil structure. It is suitable for those farms that strive to increase production per hectare.

How to drill cover crops.

Cover crops should be drilled into wet soil using solid drilling or banding. The seeding depth is 2-5 cm with further covering and packing. If there is lack of moisture in the soil, it is recommended to water the seeds to achieve emergence. During the vegetation period the mix doesn’t require any attention (no pest or disease control).

Drilling options:

1. Spring (March through May): 1-1.5 months before drilling/planting of a cash crop. Cover crops should be incorporated into the soil before drilling/planting of a cash crop.

2. Fall (July though October): after harvest of a cash crop. It is recommended to keep cover crops till winter, but if there is a danger of seeds setting due to early seeding (or warm temperatures in fall), it is necessary to incorporate them into the soil during the flowering stage.

3. Between the rows of a cash crop. Cover crops should be incorporated at budding - flowering stage.

4. In any free space to let the soil have some rest after intensive production. Cover crops can be drilled at any time and they should be incorporated at budding - flowering stage.


- Do not use the mix as food or forage.

- Do not use the mix to produce seeds and grain.

Agro-Soyuz Projects sells cover crops in large batches or in small bags (1+ kg).

If you need additional information, just give us a call:

+38 (050) 481-20-43 Elena Dudkina